「雅思口语」高频话题:New technological device
我们的雅思口语话题讲解来讨论电子设备, 但注意雅思口语题目中的陷阱 “new”。 如果雅思考官一上来就说到我最喜欢的电脑已经陪伴我十年了, 那么考官很可能就会默默的开始给你扣分了。
同时大家要注意此题询问的时间是过去,描述对象是使用时新科技产品的个人经历,可以选择重点谈自己的内心感受,而回避描述物件本身需要的生僻词汇。切记不要一味贪图 “大词” 而损失流利度上的分数。
Describe a time when you started using a new technological device (e.g. a new computer or phone).
It was at my six years old birthday party when I laid my hands on a computer for the first time.
That was 2002 when many families in the city I lived had not had the slightest idea of what a personal computer could do except processing text and screening stock market.
When my father told my to press the button mounted in a big plastic box, I couldn’t tell what my emotions exactly were. As I recall now, it should be a mixture of fear, excitement and expectation. The faintest idea I had about it was that I could write something using the keyboard and draw some simple pictures with a plastic equipment named mouse.
However, as I dived deeper into the computer world and got myself to be the most tech-savvy person in my family, I became very confident to say that greater potential were still to be discovered for the computer.
After a few days as a novice user, I gradually found the potential contained within the gray plastic box. I learnt to install gaming software and played it whenever my parents were not watching, for example the nights when everybody fell asleep.
对于这个雅思口语话题卡的 Part 3 讨论,回答的长度如果不够,那么考官会用更 ”刁钻“ 的问题追问你。所以大家一定要努力完善自己的答案。试着从不同的角度,例如人群、性格、职业等方面去拓展。
What is the best age for children to start computer lessons?
I cannot lock a particular age but I think children should begin to learn them as early as possible. What matters in this scenario is the great learning ability children have.
During their early childhood, children show great potential in learning many kinds of skills as long as they are exposed to such skills. However, young children are inclined to get distracted by other things like computer games or other entertainment. In this case, it’s parents who should step in to guide the children’s interests to the theories and mechanisms behind the games. In this way, children’s potential can be fully exploited so that the chances that they become tech-savvy will increase dramatically.
Do you think that schools should use more technology to help children learn?
No. On the yes side, people are asserted that technology can be used as facilitators to justify themselves that technology should be used in schools. However, if technology was used by kids in schools, they would not be only to learn better, but will experience consequences that come with it, too. For example, as a group that tends to be distracted by technological devices, children may fall victim to overuse of computer games. Their physical well-being could be at stake because of the lack of exercise. Even worse, these children may be captivated by the violent elements and other contents that are improper in different ways.
Do you agree or disagree that computers will replace teachers one day?
No. In some way, computers and teachers are all responsible for passing knowledge to younger generations. In other words, computers can be teachers in this scenario. However, there still lies a great disparity between a person and a computer as for being a teacher. Computer’s lack of empathy makes it impossible to know the progress of each student. Therefore, students can no longer be taught on an individual basis so that many of the children may get left behind. Additionally, human teachers can adjust his or her teaching pace whenever needed but computers can only function according to the programmes that have been engraved deep inside its so-called intelligence.
How much has technology improved how we communicate with each other?
Advances in technology have led to the birth of many new methods of electronic communication, such as social networking websites and videoconferences. The increase of electronic communication has helped to eliminate time and distance as obstacles to communication. This has been beneficial to many parts of society, including business and education. For business, electronic communication methods used in the workplace include email, voicemail, videoconferences, online newsletters and instant messages, which has increased the flow of communication within workplace. For education, technology has improved the field of cultural education by giving children the opportunity to speak with kids from different cultures. By interacting with children of other cultures through computer-mediated communication, such as instant messages and emails, children can learn first hand about other cultures.
Do you agree that there are still many more major technological innovations to be made?
Yes. Though we humans have made great progress in exploring the sea and the space, there still remain vast areas of both of them, hidden from our vigilant eyes. The reason they are masked behind mysteries is that we are still not capable enough to unveil these secrets. From this perspective, technological innovations are still waiting to be made. What’s more. Man has witnessed our society’s great advancements in all different fields thanks to the major technological innovations. Bearing such experience, humans will overcome all kinds of difficulties to keep moving forward. The needs for technological inspirations are so great that a future with staggering technology is hard to imagine.